
249 Movie Reviews

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Well, it looks interesting

But the animation was waaaaay too short and basically included nothing. I have no doubt the real serie rocks, but the preview wasn't an impressive animation ... it was just a preview. I'll be looking for the serie instead.

hansdampf responds:

that's exactly how it was supposed to be ;)

It's amazing to see a drawn megaman movie

There's a huge amount of sprite megaman movies and I think it's the first time I see a drawn one ... and I rock real hard man! It's amazing to see one of your favourite serie in animation and in 3D. You did some pretty good job here, it really looked like a megaman movie, the mood, the spirit and everything!

One of the greatest fight scene ever made!

It's been a while since I've seen any good samurai animation on newgrounds (I'd say it's the first one since "The Final Task") and it was about time! It's some pretty good work you've done here!

WOW! That was incredible, really!

That's definitely one of the better frame-by-frame animation I've ever seen. It also included the kind of originality we doesn't see very frequently in newgrounds. I definitely like your style man!

I don't know what it's about, but I liked it! :P

The animation was great, the music too but if there's a point in all this, I missed it! Great work anyway dude ;)

It was pretty funny :)

But that's pretty much all we can say about it, it was funny. The whole style of the animation (music, drawing, etc.) wasn't exactly in my favorites but I have to reckognize it's some great work ;)

That was some great work!

I liked your animation a lot, but I'd say what make it special is definitely the music which gives a rythme to the whole thing. Well, you already know all what I'm saying ... I just wanted to tell you the work you did put in synchronizing the music and the video was worth doing it ;)

Definitely one of the best NG animation

That animation was great, and the style rocked. I especially liked the little winks to NG as the bus and Pico doing his breakdancing while shooting at the Ubber Kids.

Yeah, Dad rocked pretty hard!

Great animation man! It was one of the funniest one I've seen on newgrounds, the guy just rocked too much!

This is probably the smartest thing I've seen here

The graphics were great but what was really worth watching was the message, of course. We all know we should do something with our lives, but nobody really do anything about it, this animation presents things in a way we can't just ignore it. I definitely loved it, I hope you'll submit other movies like that.

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